Introduction to Online Learning



How will my student continue learning from home? 

Instruction will be delivered through a variety of online platforms and paper based instruction.   Schools and teachers will determine the most appropriate means of delivering information, lessons, and instructional resources to students and families. Online delivery options may include but are not limited to:  Canvas, Edgenuity, Class Dojo, Zoom, Google Meet, Google Classroom, BDS Gmail, etc.   Your student’s teachers will provide more detailed instructions in the coming days and those with access to internet and a device will complete assignments online.  Students without internet or access to a device will complete paper-based instruction.  

How much time will my student spend online?

Students will not be expected to devote the same amount of time on an electronic device as they spend attending an average school day in the school building. The amount of suggested screen time varies by the age of the student and the course.  Please refer to the BDS Distance Learning plan link on the sidebar for more content delivery expectations and instructional times. Times are approximate and can be adjusted to meet the needs of individual students. Students should limit the amount of time they spend at the computer without a break.  Every 20 minutes, students should get up from the computer and take a break!


What if I have multiple students and only one electronic device?

Since students will not be expected to use a device all day, sharing is possible with a little planning. For instance, one student may be working on an online class while another is completing a physical education activity log and another is working on a reading log assignment. Go at a leisurely pace while learning at home. Instruction takes fewer hours at home than it does at school with a classroom full of other students engaged in a larger variety of instructional activities. .


Who do I contact for help?

Teachers will provide ways and times to answer both student and parent questions. If your student needs any type of assistance (curriculum or technical), please contact your child's teacher.  If needed, teachers will submit a BDS help ticket.

                                “Moving Forward with Compassion and Grace” 

1311 Balboa Avenue
Panama City, FL 32401
(850) 767-4100
Mark McQueen
Superintendent, Bay District Schools
Office of the Superintendent
Holly Buchanan
Employment and Income Verification Equity Coordinator
Public Records Request