On August 28th, voters will have the opportunity to renew the half-cent sales tax for a third ten-year cycle. This is not a new tax, simply a continuation of an existing half-cent sales tax which is utilized for safety and security, technology, construction and renovation. The tax cannot be used for salaries or personnel costs. Please click on the links below to view the Superintendent's Community Presentation on security upgrades underway and the impact of the half-cent sales tax, a printable flyer on school safety and the half-cent sales tax and a list of the proposed projects should the tax be renewed for another ten-year cycle.
Each link below will take you to more Information:
Link to School Safety Updates Links to Flyer Front Back Links to Proposed Elementary Page1 Page2
![](/uploads/FLYER v3 link.jpg)
![](/uploads/Proposed - Elementary link.jpg)
Link to Proposed Middle Link to Proposed High Link to Proposed Combination
![](/uploads/Proposed - Middle link.jpg)
![](/uploads/Proposed - High link.jpg)
![](/uploads/Proposed - Combination link.jpg)
Link to Proposed Special Purpose Link to Proposed Charter
![](/uploads/Proposed - Charter link.jpg)