Purple Star

Professional Development

Welcome to the Team

The Bay District Schools Office of Staff Development coordinates a system of professional development for all employees to enable the school community to meet state and local achievement standards and goals and to succeed in school improvement as described in Florida Statute 229.591. All professional development within Bay District Schools is coordinated and monitored by the Office of Staff Development.


Tracy Rogers, Supervisor of Educator Quality

Assistant to Supervisor of Educator Quality: Jenna Gortemoller (gortevf@bay.k12.fl.us) 


PLCP: Professional Learning Certification Program (Alternative Certification) 

Daphne Graham (grahadp@bay.k12.fl.us) 


1311 Balboa Avenue
Panama City, FL 32401
(850) 767-4100
Mark McQueen
Superintendent, Bay District Schools
Office of the Superintendent
Holly Buchanan
Employment and Income Verification Equity Coordinator
Public Records Request