
Home Education Program


Home Education Program 

Home Education is a parent-directed educational option that satisfies the requirement for regular school attendance. All requests to educate a child in a home education program are to be submitted to the Superintendent via the Homeschool Department. This is done by completing the Letter of Intent to Home Educate per State Statute 1002.41.

Bay District Schools Home Education Office assists the parents of approximately 1,700 students who choose to educate their children at home. Specifically, this office maintains records, sends courtesy reminders of evaluations due, and notifies parents of opportunities for state standardized testing. (Please note: state tests are optional for Homeschool Students). 

Homeschool families should refer to this website often for information regarding important testing, events, voluntary orientation, and etc. 


Homeschool Orientation


If you plan to enroll your student into homeschool, please sign up for our informational Homeschool Orientation HERE.

(You will be able to complete the Letter of Intent to Home Educate during the orientation.)

If you have any questions, please call 850-767-4122 or email


New Location

1311 Balboa Ave, Panama City, FL 32401.

For more information, contact 850-767-4122. 


Please keep in mind that participation in these assessments are your choice.


Grades 3-12: The following are tests that all Florida public school students are required to take. Though these are not required tests for homeschool students, they do meet the requirements for the annual homeschool evaluation. 
*Grades 3-8, Math
*Grades 3-10, Reading 
*EOCs (Algebra 1, Geometry, U.S. History, Biology, and Civics)
The exams will be administered over several days in February, March, April, and May. 
PSAT/NMSQT: Students/parents have a deadline of completing this form by the first day of school as the test is offered in October and test orders must be in by early September. If you would like to participate, completing the form will allow the Assessment team to order a CollegeBoard test for your 10th-grade student. Please, do not contact your student's home zoned school. You will be notified of test date, time and location as soon as possible.

Note: Students arriving to test without prior registration will not be able to participate.
If you wish to have your home school/PEP student(s) participate in FAST testing, please call 850-767-4122, no later than March yearly. You can also sign up here, by completing the Google form. Please allow 48 hours for a receipt of confirmation.


1311 Balboa Avenue
Panama City, FL 32401
(850) 767-4100
Mark McQueen
Superintendent, Bay District Schools
Office of the Superintendent
Holly Buchanan
Employment and Income Verification Equity Coordinator
Public Records Request