Career Services Gulf Coast
625 Hwy 231, Panama City, FL 32401
Assists with training and job referrals
Disabilities Resource Center
300 W 5th St, Panama City, FL 32401
Provides peer counseling, independent living skills, training, advocacy, information, and referrals.
Goodwill Industries
3207 E. 4th St., Panama City, FL 32401
Assists with employment, on the job training, resumes, clothing, office skills training, computer training
Haney Technical Center
3016 Highway 77, Lynn Haven, FL 32405
Career technical training and certification in a variety of programs, adult GED and TAB preparation and testing, financial aid, scholarship and veteran education benefits available, career counseling center on campus.
Vocational Rehabilitation
2505 15th St B, Panama City, FL 32401
Federal – state program that helps people who have disabilities, both physically and mentally, find or keep a job.