What is Title I?
Title I, Part A is a federal program designed to provide children significant opportunities to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.
Title I, Part A funding is awarded through a grant and is allocated under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, as amended by the Every Child Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015.
Funds are provided to traditional and charter public schools whose percentage of low income families is above the district average, to participating private schools, to sites serving neglected or delinquent youth, and to support students identified as homeless.
Funds are used to build equity of opportunity and to provide programs and services that support learning so that all children are able to meet the state’s high academic standards.
2024-2025 Title I Schools
Bay High School
Callaway Elementary
Cedar Grove Elementary
Central High School Charter
Cherry St. Elementary
Deer Point Elementary
H. Beach Elementary
Hiland Park Elementary
Jinks Middle School
Lucille Moore Elementary
Lynn Haven Elementary
M K Lewis School
Merritt Brown Middle School
Mowat Middle School
New Horizons
Northside Elementary
O. Patterson Academy
Palm Bay Elementary Charter
Palm Bay Prep Charter
Parker Elementary
Rosenwald High School
Rutherford Middle & High School
St. Andrew School
Southport Elementary
Tommy Smith Elementary
Waller Elementary
West Bay Elementary
Title I Information
24-25 Title I Grant for Bay District Schools
24-25 District PFEP
24-25 Title I Newsletter for UniSIG
24-25 Title I Parent Information
Parent Information: Right to Know
School Improvement Plans
Title I Resources
Graduation Requirements
Assessment Information
B.E.S.T. Standards
State, District and School Report Cards
Title I Contacts
Loretta Mistrot, Supervisor of Title I: 850-767-4354,
Jan Madison, Assistant to the Supervisor of Title I: 850-767-4275, madisjl@bay.k12.fl.us
Stefanie Hendley Johnson, Title I Resource Teacher: 850-767-4325, hendlsm@bay.k12.fl.us
Rayketha Brown, Title I Clerk: 850-767-4325 brownrt@bay.k12.fl.us
Luci Maclean, District Liaison for McKinney-Vento: 850-767-4193, maclezl@bay.k12.fl.us
Megan Fry, Social Worker for Foster Care: 850-767-4194, fryme@bay.k12.fl.us
Shayla Holmes, Clerk for McKinney-Vento Team: 850-767-4191, holmesa@bay.k12.fl.us
Leann Kibler, Neglected & Delinquent: 850-872-4706, ext. 119, kiblelm@bay.k12.fl.us
Bobbie Copsey, Title I District Parent Liaison 850-767-4294, copserm@bay.k12.fl.us